Halló LipeFontoura!

Velkomin(n) á Wiktionary á íslensku!
Kær kveðja, geimfyglið (:> )=| 17:12, 4 maí 2007 (UTC)
Hjálp - Sandkassinn



Hello LipeFontoura, we would like to have mw:Extension:Flagged Revisions enabled on is.wikt, here is the proposal: Wikiorðabók:Potturinn#Nau.C3.B0synleg_vi.C3.B0b.C3.B3t, You can (You don't have to) comment with "agree/support" = "samþykkt" or "contra" = "á móti", it will not affect Your contributions here or cause You any more work, thanks for Your attention, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 13. janúar 2009 kl. 01:38 (UTC)Reply